CTC Lancaster & South Lakes is a 'Formal Member Group' of Cycling UK, the Cyclists’ Touring Club, covering the northern part of Lancashire and south Cumbria - all the postal districts with the prefix 'LA'. Many of the group's rides start from around Lancaster but follow routes planned by leaders into the surrounding countryside. To the north, east and south of Lancaster there is wonderful cycling country with a variety of landscapes, quiet roads and great views. We have weekly Sunday Club rides, an annual Club holiday, social events and the annual Bowland Forest Populaire (an Audax and Cycling UK Tourist event).

A number of our members also ride with the affiliated Thursday Riders, who also have weekly rides with a leader who plans the route and then there more informal rides that are not covered by Cycling UK rules and insurance. Some members have links with the Tandem Club and the Rough Stuff Fellowship as well as with other cycle clubs in the area. Those keen to go offroad ride with the mtb group at Kendal and District Cycle Scene, those fast enough to go road racing are in the Lune Racing Cycling Club and those into time trials go along to events organised by Lancaster Cycling Club or Garstang Cycle Club. The programmes of our Sunday club rides, Thursday rides are available through the links in the menu as are the Rides and Social Events Diary and the Calendar.

New members

We welcome new members who should contact either our Club and Members Secretary, Len Howard, or our Rides Secretary, Neil Westwell. The Club does not organise races, hill climbs or time trials - it specializes in day touring. This means rides of between 45 and 70 miles that can take most of a day but we like to stop for coffee (and scones!) in the morning and then again for lunch at midday or a little later. Some new members - and some who've been riding with us a long time - prefer shorter rides or they just come along to coffee and then make their way back. For those not used to riding longer distances, the 20-30 miles of a ride to coffee is a good introduction. At lunch time, rides usually visit a particular cafe or a small town with a number of cafes and pubs, but some members like to take their own sandwiches, especially during the summer. The pace of rides vary but ride leaders are careful to match it to those on the ride and everyone is happy to stop and 'regroup' every so often. When the ride takes a turn at a junction we make sure that everyone knows which way to go. The countryside around Lancaster is particularly beautiful and the ride leaders in the Club have built up a detailed knowledge of possible routes in all directions. We seldom go 'off-road' but have a preference for the quieter back lanes. Sometimes the rides include hills - but the uphill effort is rewarded with views across the landscape and sooner or later, a freewheel descent. Do get in touch with any of the Committee Members if you want to find out more about the club.

Social events

The Club also organises social events including a 'festive dinner' early in each new year, a pancake dinner, quiz nights, evening rides to a pub, photo and film evenings and more. Do contact our Social Secretary, Patience Cooper, if you would like to find out more or have ideas for social activities you think would work for the Club. 

Campaigns for cycling

Club members have a strong interest in the provision of facilities for cyclists in the Lancaster and South Lakes area (and beyond) and have a Campaigns Coordinator, Adam Peters, who keeps tabs on the changes to cycles lanes, public rights of way, temporary traffic lights, multi-use paths and other cycleways. If you have an issue with the provision for cyclists in our area, do get in touch with him and let him know. Some of our members are also involved with Dynamo, a local group in Lancaster and Morecambe, who keep in touch with the local authorities, negotiating for new cycle paths and action on dangerous roads and improving the environment for cyclists.

Cyclists’ Touring Club (Cycling UK) a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England No 25185, registered as a charity in England and Wales Charity No 1147607 and in Scotland No SC042541.
Registered office: Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 9JX